The InterAlpine team has the skills and experience to develop avalanche hazard reduction strategies to reduce your risk exposure. Our personnel have worked on both active and passive avalanche defense projects and can determine the approach most suitable for your site. We bring the experience to each unique situation to maximize economy and level of protection.

Passive defense systems operate stand-alone without the need for constant weather and snow condition monitoring. This defense strategy dramatically reduces the risk of snow avalanche release and eliminates the inherent risk to avalanche professionals that would be otherwise in the field managing the avalanche during peak risk periods. We have experience with the complete range of passive defense systems including flexible snow nets, snow umbrellas, rigid snow fences, and deflection berms and catching dams.

Active avalanche defense technologies include Remote Avalanche Control Systems, or “RACS”. InterAlpine staff have experience with the selection and deployment of active systems that use concussive energy of explosions emitted by devices sited immediately above the starting zone. Active avalanche mitigation differs from passive in that constant monitoring of mapped avalanche paths by winter safety personnel is required during winter to identify periods of increased avalanche risk. When deemed necessary, infrastructure below the avalanche path is closed and the RACS device is used to artificially trigger an avalanche. If successful, winter maintenance personnel then clear any avalanche debris prior to reopening the infrastructure to the public.

Avalanche Mitigation

  • Management plans

  • Passive defense strategies

  • Active “RACS” systems

Snow umbrellas at Jackson, Wyoming


Avalanche Hazard Evaluation


Heavy Construction Support